# Local Full Node Development

We will need the following to run a local full node:

# Step 1. Generate Genesis

Genesis describes the initial funding distributions as well as other configurations such as validators setup. Firstly, we will need a wallet to receive the genesis funds.

# Step 1a) Create a Wallet

To create a wallet, currently, we have client-rpc and client-cli available for this purpose. We will be using client-cli in this guide.

  • Create a new basic wallet with the name "Default" by running

    $ ./target/debug/client-cli wallet new --name Default --type basic

    You will be prompted to enter a passphrase.

    Note: The client-cli also supports HD wallet with mnemonic seed. Kindly follow this instruction to create your HD wallet.

  • Generate a staking address for the wallet to receive genesis funds. You will be prompted to enter the wallet passphrase again to verify.

    $ ./target/debug/client-cli address new --name Default --type Staking
    Enter authentication token: ## Insert your authentication token ##
    New address: 0x3a102b53a12334e984ef51fda0baab1768116363

We will be distributing funds to our newly-created wallet address 0x3a102...8116363.

# Step 1b) Initialize Tendermint

  • Initialise the Tendermint root directory by running:
   tendermint init

It initialises a fresh Tendermint Core data directory to be used by a full node. Specifically, it creates a new validator private key (priv_validator.json), and a genesis file (genesis.json).

  • If you have previously initialized a Tendermint node, you may need to reset it by running:

    tendermint unsafe_reset_all

Caution: Only use this rest command in development as it removes the data directory, and all blockchain data will be lost.

Details and field definitions of genesis.json can be found here. Note that as in the sample genesis, app_hash is initially left as empty. The missing configuration will be completed in the next step.

# Step 1c) Create a Genesis configuration

We will use the development tool dev-utils to generate the completedgenesis.json:

  • Create a configuration file dev-conf.json in ~/chain/dev-utils/

  • Obtain the following information for generating the configuration of our Genesis file:

    • Address to Receive Genesis Funds: We have just created one in the previous step
    • Genesis Time: Copy the genesis_time from ~/.tendermint/config/genesis.json
    • Validator Pub Key: Copy the pub_key.value from ~/.tendermint/config/priv_validator_key.json
  • Replace {WALLET_ADDRESS}, {PUB_KEY} and {GENESIS_TIME} with the information obtained above.

    "distribution": {
        "{WALLET_ADDRESS}": "2500000000000000000",
        "0x3ae55c16800dc4bd0e3397a9d7806fb1f11639de": "1250000000000000000"
    "unbonding_period": 60,
    "required_council_node_stake": "1250000000000000000",
    "jailing_config": {
        "jail_duration": 86400,
        "block_signing_window": 100,
        "missed_block_threshold": 50
    "slashing_config": {
        "liveness_slash_percent": "0.1",
        "byzantine_slash_percent": "0.2",
        "slash_wait_period": 10800
    "rewards_config": {
        "monetary_expansion_cap": "6250000000000000000",
        "distribution_period": 86400,
        "monetary_expansion_r0": 450,
        "monetary_expansion_tau": 14500000000000000,
        "monetary_expansion_decay": 999860
    "initial_fee_policy": {
        "base_fee": "1.1",
        "per_byte_fee": "1.25"
    "council_nodes": {
        "0x3ae55c16800dc4bd0e3397a9d7806fb1f11639de": [
                "type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
                "value": "{PUB_KEY}"
    "genesis_time": "{GENESIS_TIME}"
  • Next, we generate the Genesis configuration based on the above configuration file.

    $ ./target/debug/dev-utils genesis generate --genesis_dev_config_path ./dev-utils/dev-conf.json -i

# Step 2. Start Transaction Enclaves

We also need the transaction enclave for validating transactions; it can run on the hardware platform or a virtual machine. Follow the instructions in Crypto.com Chain Transaction Enclaves to build and run the Chain Transaction Enclaves.

# Step 3. Start Chain ABCI

To start the Chain ABCI, we will need two pieces of data:

  • App Hash: Prepared in the Generate Genesis step
  • Full Chain ID: Copy the chain_id found in ~/.tendermint/config/genesis.json (e.g. test-chain-y3m1e6-AB)

We can start the ABCI by running:

 chain-abci -g <APP_HASHx> -c <FULL_CHAIN_ID> --enclave_server tcp://

If you need backtrace or logging, you may set the environment variables before it:

chain-abci \
-g <APP_HASH> \
--enclave_server tcp://

# Final Step: Start Tendermint Node

Once we have the transaction enclave and chain-abci running, we can start our tendermint node simply by :

tendermint node

Or alternatively, we can start a basic lite-client node by running

tendermint lite