# List of network parameters

This section aims to collect and provide brief a description of all the mentioned network parameters:

Key Description
unbonding_period The time duration of unbonding
max_validators The maximum number of validator
required_council_node_stake The minimum staking amount required to be a validator

# Reward parameters

Key Description
monetary_expansion_cap The total amount of tokens reserved for validator's reward in the basic unit
reward_period_seconds The period of reward being distributed (unit: seconds)
monetary_expansion_r0 The upper bound for the reward rate per annum
monetary_expansion_tau Initial value of tau in the reward function
monetary_expansion_decay The decay rate of tau.

# Slashing parameters

Key Description
MAX_EVIDENCE_AGE Maximum age of evidence
block_signing_window Window to calculate validators's liveness
jail_duration The time period for jailing
missed_block_threshold Threshold of total missed blocks
byzantine_slash_percent Maximum percentage of stake reduction for byzantine validators
liveness_slash_percent Maximum percentage of stake reduction for validators with low availability

# Transaction fee parameters

Key Description
BASE_AMOUNT Basic transaction fee
PER_BYTE Transaction fee per byte

TODO: TX that can change them?