# Join Crypto.com chain as a validator

Anyone who wishes to become a validator can submit a NodeJoinTx. This document will guide you through how to join Crypto.com chain as a validator by using the client-cli.

# Pre-requisites

  • Fully functional validation node;
  • Sufficient amount of CRO for staking;
  • Wallet with transfer and staking addresses.

First of all, we can query the current staking related parameters of Crypto.com chain by using the tendermint rpc. In particular, one would want to check the value of required_council_node_stake, which is the minimum staking amount required to become a validator:

curl -s 'http://localhost:26657/abci_info' | grep required_council_node_stake

:::tip Example


implies that you would need at least 625000000000000000 basic unit of CRO to become a validator, which is equivalent to 6250000000 CRO. ::: The minimum staking amount is the first requirement for being a validator. Besides this, note that only the top MAX_VALIDATORS with the most bonded amount would be considered as an active validator (see here for details). This network parameter can be found by:

curl -s 'http://localhost:26657/abci_info' | grep max_validators

# Checking the current validators set

You can check the current validator set and their voting power by

curl -s 'http://localhost:26657/validators'

# Staking the funds

Deposit required funds from your transfer address to your staking address.

# Sending a NodeJoinTx

Once the funds have been sent to the staking address, we can submit a node-join transaction and join as a validator by

 ./bin/client-cli transaction new --name <NAME_OF_YOUR_WALLET> --type node-join

You will be requested to unlock your wallet and fill in the following fields:

  • Staking address with the required funds;
  • Name for the validator node;
  • base64 encoded public key of the validator. It can be found under ~/.tendermint/config/priv_validator_key.json.

Once the transaction has been submitted, you can then check the current validator set to confirm your validator is running.

# Remarks

  • Validators are responsible for signing or proposing block at each consensus round. It is important that they maintain excellent availability and network connectivity to perform these tasks. A penalty performed by the slashing module is imposed on validators' misbehaviour or unavailability to reinforce this.

  • A NodeJoinTx is considered to be invalid if your staking amount is less then required_council_node_stake:

    Error: Tendermint RPC error: verification failed: staked state bonded amount is less than the minimal required stake