# Serialization

After several iterations of binary formats, Crypto.com Chain settled on using the SCALE (Simple Concatenated Aggregate Little-Endian) codec.

It is formally described in Section B.1 of Polkadot Host Protocol Specification.

# Test Vectors

# Key pairs and Addresses

Transaction-related keys use the secp256k1 ECC, as in Bitcoin, Ethereum etc. The following test vectors were generated with the seed ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.

# View key pair

A secp256k1 key pair used for authentication when requesting transaction data from enclaves.

Secret: b4518a5a1594816446f9a50390fe2d5a896b91590b794bcd7ff4bee75d2ab601

Public key:


NOTE: as this key pair is used in an interactive protocol, wallet client software that supports an external device (e.g. hardware wallets) may work in a "mixed" mode where view keypairs are independently generated and stored locally (unlike transfer secrets which do not leave the external device).

# Staking key pair and Address

A secp256k1 key pair used for signing network operations-related transactions.

Secret: e6733383185784496214adba3968672eae49f0165bcf60ae0c5fd3a570d946e9

Public key:


The address is derived from the public key in the same way as externally owned account addresses on Ethereum (rightmost 20 bytes of the Keccak-256 hash of the public key...). Its textual representation is hexadecimal:


# Transfer key pair and Address

A secp256k1 key pair used for signing payment-related transactions. As payment transactions are signed using a BIP-340-compatible scheme where public keys which only encode X coordinates are used (Y coordinates are chosen implicitly as quadratic residues).

Secret: 865396765de5856157d044f7fbfc93165a9a0226be83b84e376a5d284534f07b

Public key:


X-only public key: bea01313886bcb3f9b80846fa43df72aa9c59f48478a142ed86afe59e7b59551

The address is defined as a root of a Merkle tree with X-only public keys being leafs, hashed using Blake3 (32 bytes). We can construct a Merkle tree with one leaf being the above X-only public key. Its textual representation is using Bech32:

  • (public) testnet: tcro1lrmqarjnxqqfsqlw9egc6w0llgnhnveuhtj6l4ryzgqleshm5eeqzre704
  • mainnet: cro1lrmqarjnxqqfsqlw9egc6w0llgnhnveuhtj6l4ryzgqleshm5eeq0y7gwx
# Other examples

Secret: 9b7e526baa8cfcb757dd3462b0df07d62a4453e04ada1ec9325f4b6e61a577ca

Public key:


X-only public key: d61feba9a9aa5ca43981eeb3c23893baa5010821569f7f8b71dc987ad4114aef

  • (public) testnet: tcro1v3x0j5jeftkq0cpsahkghfadazthqulj6rh3z5kvuyzmnc8yrpqqcqrrx7
  • mainnet: cro1v3x0j5jeftkq0cpsahkghfadazthqulj6rh3z5kvuyzmnc8yrpqq48y48d


Secret: 45f3aef34147d00100469dcf8771d52436a8e312a2f8e8214995a76e36e458c7

Public key:


X-only public key: be31878078caa7919e18b2682cc40a49910ed9131f18a63499f850cf7552369c

  • (public) testnet: tcro1h2ukeq63nmcw0l5y7jrkjasfcsmwds87976zqe5levzs068nejjsvjclvl
  • mainnet: cro1h2ukeq63nmcw0l5y7jrkjasfcsmwds87976zqe5levzs068nejjsp4lfdv

TODO: examples with combined public keys and multi-leaf trees

# Transactions

# Attributes

Each transaction payload contains additional transaction attributes. They contain:

  • version number (u64): for the 0.5 version, it's "1"
  • network id (u8): for the mainnet, it's 0x2A

The attribute payload for "account-based" transactions without transaction outputs (deposit stake, unbond stake, node join), the attribute payload is: 002a0100000000000000

For transactions with outputs (transfer, withdraw unbonded stake), there is an additional information containing access information -- for the public view key above:


with access to all transaction data, the attribute payload is (the public is serialized in the compressed form):


# Witness

Each transaction contains a segregated witness payload. For network operations, the witness payload is a recoverable ECDSA (the same as in Ethereum), with the transaction identifier (Blake3 hash of the transaction payload) being the message digest. With the secret above (e6733383185784496214adba3968672eae49f0165bcf60ae0c5fd3a570d946e9), here are a few examples:

  • txid: d0a35414d432dc757433e01a1523a53d34ef94dfaee09fd62564f42c783a5ea1

  • witness:

  • txid: b079b56268e7e8ecac6c80e546af343fc89ec3e02ae00071b584da048789de05

  • witness:

  • txid: b857a50a3bc5ad7e66bd62155c608d654ce0a4052ba30d95de5415dc3d6fb6b2

  • witness:


For transfer operations, the witness payload is a Merkle proof and BIP340 Schnorr signature (again with the transaction identifier being the message digest). Here are examples signed with the secret 865396765de5856157d044f7fbfc93165a9a0226be83b84e376a5d284534f07b and a proof for the corresponding x-only public key bea01313886bcb3f9b80846fa43df72aa9c59f48478a142ed86afe59e7b59551

  • txid: fac96a0081af98df1a70b7db03825c41109f0b2687fbdbd957938dfcc3a2dbc8

  • witness:

  • txid: 510f78adeae403e56b40f5c3bea1ff70f3dec2da6911e1e9b1f0ea03203019bc

  • witness:


TODO: examples with longer Merkle proofs

# Plain payloads

Certain transactions have some of their data obfuscated -- the resulting ciphertext-containing transactions (that is broadcasted on the network) is created in an interactive protocol with code running in local or remote enclaves. In this section, we show the plain payloads that can be created anywhere and are then be passed to an enclave before they are broadcasted on the network.

# Withdraw unbonded stake

The witness payload is public, but the transaction outputs will be obfuscated. Example for plain payload -- withdrawing 1000 base unit coins from 0x410afb0ccf51aefd111bceafb6c298acd4decaf6 to cro1lrmqarjnxqqfsqlw9egc6w0llgnhnveuhtj6l4ryzgqleshm5eeq0y7gwx unbonded from time 0 (with the transaction attributed shown above).

  • plain transaction payload:
    (txid: d0a35414d432dc757433e01a1523a53d34ef94dfaee09fd62564f42c783a5ea1)
# Transfer

The payload will be fully obfuscated. Example for plain payload:

  • spending output 0 of transaction d0a35414d432dc757433e01a1523a53d34ef94dfaee09fd62564f42c783a5ea1: d0a35414d432dc757433e01a1523a53d34ef94dfaee09fd62564f42c783a5ea10000 creating two outputs:
  • 100 base unit coins to cro1h2ukeq63nmcw0l5y7jrkjasfcsmwds87976zqe5levzs068nejjsp4lfdv: 00644cf952594aec07e030edec8ba7ade8977073f2d0ef1152cce105b9e0e41840840300000000000000
  • 900 base unit coins to cro1v3x0j5jeftkq0cpsahkghfadazthqulj6rh3z5kvuyzmnc8yrpqq48y48d: 00bab96c83519ef0e7fe84f487697609c436e6c0fe2fb420669fcb0507e8f3cca5640000000000000000
  • witness and attribute payloads shown above
  • full plain transaction payload:
    (txid: fac96a0081af98df1a70b7db03825c41109f0b2687fbdbd957938dfcc3a2dbc8)
# Deposit

Here, the witness payload will be obfuscated, the transaction payload is public. Example for plain payload:

  • spending output 0 of transaction d0a35414d432dc757433e01a1523a53d34ef94dfaee09fd62564f42c783a5ea1: d0a35414d432dc757433e01a1523a53d34ef94dfaee09fd62564f42c783a5ea10000
  • witness and attribute payloads shown above
  • depositing to the address 0x410afb0ccf51aefd111bceafb6c298acd4decaf6
  • plain transaction payload:
    (txid: 510f78adeae403e56b40f5c3bea1ff70f3dec2da6911e1e9b1f0ea03203019bc)

# Network operations

# Unbond

At nonce 0, unbond 1000 base unit coins with the transaction attributes and witness above for address 0x410afb0ccf51aefd111bceafb6c298acd4decaf6.

transaction payload:


(txid: b857a50a3bc5ad7e66bd62155c608d654ce0a4052ba30d95de5415dc3d6fb6b2)

# Node join request

At nonce 1, with Tendermint Ed25519 consensus pubkey d75a980182b10ab7d54bfed3c964073a0ee172f3daa62325af021a68f707511a, "example" as a human-readable moniker, "security@example.com" as a security contact, TDBE keypackage (see MLS draft spec) with an example P-256 key and X.509 credential with the test environment IAS payload request a council node joining with address 0x410afb0ccf51aefd111bceafb6c298acd4decaf6 (attribute and witness payloads above).

transaction payload:


(txid: 5aa9ef8a47b6b0be7da82d521affb153a7e07726cffecdbaece5d43ddb8dfbe2)